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Protect Your Proxy: The Hidden Risks of Unsettled Fines

Protect your proxy from warrants of arrest ignoring traffic fines

In the realm of South African traffic fines, the proxy takes centre stage, serving as authorized natural person for companies in managing fines and licensing matters. As the holiday season approaches, the risks associated with unresolved fines become more apparent, potentially impacting proxies both professionally and personally.


Understanding the Proxy Role

In the context of South African road users, a proxy is an authorized, natural person who is nominated to act on behalf of another natural or juristic person relating to fines and licensing matters.


The Holiday Hazards

With the festive season looming, unsettled fines pose a significant threat to proxies. Roadblocks can lead to arrest and vehicle impoundment, turning holiday celebrations into legal complications.


Warrants of Arrest

Warrants of arrest, often a consequence of overlooked fines, loom as potential pitfalls for proxies. Missed court dates trigger these warrants, with fines intricately linked to the proxy’s ID number and the Business Registration Number (BRN) of the company.


National Impact

Fines, whether linked to the BRN or the proxy’s ID number, demand careful attention. In AARTO and Durban Metropolitan areas, fines are predominantly linked to the BRNC, while nationally, the proxy’s ID number takes precedence.


Trafico’s Solution

Enter Trafico, the fines management ally for companies. We streamline the process, consolidating fines linked to proxies and BRNC nationally. This ensures comprehensive awareness, keeping companies compliant and informed.


Discounts Up to 50%

Beyond awareness, Trafico negotiates fines with expertise, securing discounts of up to 50%. This not only ensures compliance but also provides financial advantages for the company and its proxies.


Responsibility and Vigilance

For proxies within companies, the responsibility lies in staying informed. Knowing the fine status is crucial not only for legal compliance but also for safeguarding the proxy and the company’s overall standing.


As the holiday season approaches, fortify your company’s position by protecting your proxy. Trafico stands as the shield against the hidden risks of fines. Stay informed, stay compliant, and ensure a worry-free festive season for your company and its proxies.

Trafico traffic fines license renewal and registration management

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Heinrich Sales & Marketing Consultant