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Implications of National AARTO Act Rollout

Aarto national rollout blog constitutional court
Stefan Schäfer, Lich, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons

On July 14, 2023, the Constitutional Court of South Africa made a significant ruling, declaring the Administrative Adjudication of Road Traffic Offences (AARTO) Act as constitutional. This decision overturns a previous high court judgment and carries far-reaching implications for traffic fines, businesses, proxies, and company drivers. However, concerns regarding administrative challenges and addressing the root causes of road accidents remain. This blog post explores the recent developments, discusses the impact on various stakeholders, and highlights potential risks and measures to manage them effectively.


Influence on the Traffic Fine Structure

The implementation of the AARTO Act introduces a demerit point system nationwide. This system assigns demerit points for different infringements and offenses, aiming to promote responsible driving behaviour and enhance road safety.


Impact on Businesses and Proxies

Under the AARTO Act, businesses must carefully manage the compliance of their drivers. Ensuring accurate driver logs and adherence to traffic regulations becomes crucial. Failure to comply may result in demerit points being assigned to the company’s drivers, potentially impacting operations, and driver employment. To mitigate risks for proxies of companies, regular checks on demerit points and fines of drivers must be conducted. Verifying the driving records and demerit point statuses of individuals before appointing them to positions involving driving responsibilities is essential.


Effects on Company Drivers

Company drivers accumulating demerit points exceeding the threshold of 15 points face significant consequences. License suspension for three months is imposed for each demerit point over the threshold. For instance, accumulating 17 points leads to a six-month suspension, while reaching 18 points results in a nine-month suspension. These suspensions can have severe implications for affected drivers, potentially leading to unemployment due to the inability to perform their driving duties. Businesses must prioritize strict adherence to traffic regulations to minimize the risk of license suspension and subsequent impacts on their workforce.


Broader Implications

The implementation of the AARTO Act and the demerit point system extends its impact beyond individuals and businesses. Unemployment resulting from license suspension also affects the families of drivers and the broader community that relies on transportation services for various needs. The socio-economic consequences of driver unemployment can be significant, exacerbating financial strain and potentially causing a ripple effect throughout local economies.


As stated by The Organization Undoing Tax Abuse (OUTA), the Constitutional Court’s declaration of the AARTO Act as constitutional does not address the root causes of road accidents and poses a risk of corruption. The administrative challenges and lack of effectiveness have been demonstrated in previous instances such as the failed implementation of E-Tolls. It is important to consider these concerns when evaluating the implications of the AARTO Act.


Managing the Risk

To ensure compliance with the AARTO Act, companies can rely on competent service providers such as Trafico. These providers are equipped to handle the complexities of the demerit system, offering solutions to monitor demerit points, manage fines, and assist in maintaining compliance with AARTO regulations.



The Constitutional Court’s ruling on the constitutionality of the AARTO Act establishes a framework for managing road traffic offenses in South Africa. While the decision has implications for the traffic fine structure, businesses, and company drivers, the concerns remain unchanged regarding practicality and administrative challenges. We commit to staying informed about the implementation of the AARTO act and will promptly share any updates as they become available. Stay tuned for the latest developments in this space.

Trafico traffic fines license renewal and registration management

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Heinrich Sales & Marketing Consultant